Everyday Inspiration – what Mae West said.

#everydayinspiration #quotes #wordpress

I joined up WordPress
Paid my dues
They stole my daily inspiration
To my utmost bemuse

Use the daily prompt for inspiration
Be part of a community
Share a poem, a story, share your own creation

It won’t be easy, I know this is true
It could be worth it
I joined without further ado

I picked up my pen
Upgraded my site
Premium is the way to go
Then began my downward plight

I supercharged as you suggested
Put my money heart and soul
I was totally invested

A daily prompt was my goal
Write daily
Stay in control

No one told me blogging would be easy
Use the daily prompt for inspiration
That was until the WordPress
Daily prompt cessation

I’m searching now for my community
Fighting to stay afloat in my enforced immunity

I go in search high and low
To share my seed
My words to sow

Mae West said
I never said it would be easy
I only said it would be worth it

My fingers are crossed Mae
I shall go on to write another day

Published by Janette Bendle

I have reached my fabulous 50s. Guess what, it’s okay. 20 years in the health and wellness industry. Educating men and women on the importance of nourishing their bodies with good food, moving with integrity, recharging their energy levels and empowering their minds. I love my job. A mother of two boys who are now men and my greatest achievement. A lover of words, an aspiring author with a book written and no idea where to go next, a poet who writes from the heart and her vulnerability. A foodie who loves to experiment, a salad lover , But not just your Every day salad, I throw in anything you can think of it ends up in my salad. I have a reputation for making the greatest weirdest salads around. As a total contradiction, I have a ridiculous sweet tooth. I rescue abandoned souls in the bodies of dogs, an animal lover, Who sometimes likes animals more than humans. My teacher in life, my mother never ceases to amaze me. I am one fortunate human being who is filled with gratitude for the life she lives.

8 thoughts on “Everyday Inspiration – what Mae West said.

  1. I love your poem Jeanette and it’s so nice to meet you. On the plus side Premium will give you lots more space if you’re intending to upload photos and videos. Lovely to meet you, GC and I are delighted welcome you over at Weekly Prompts.com. Thank you for following us


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